What Armadale needs from the 2021 Western Australia state election

1. We need equal voting rights, instead of the state parliament making clear to the people of Armadale, that we are worth only about a sixth of the value of other people in the state.
Western Australia needs equal voting rights for the voters in Western Australian state elections, to reduce the corruption that is the upper chamber of the state parliament (the "legislative council") as the people of Armadale are officially classified by the state parliament, as being inferior to other people in Western Australia.
View the web page at http://www.armadale-wa.net/politics/EqualVotingRightsNeededInWA.html

2. We need state based human rights legislation, giving residents of Western Australia, human rights to which people of other countries are entitled, instead of the state parliament of Western Australia having made clear to us, that the state parliament regards the people of Western Australia, as being sub-human and not entitled to human rights that other people of other countries have, and, like France, we should have at least the human rights of the Declaration of Rights of man and the Citizen, and, all state legislation, including the state constitution, should be required to comply with the human rights legislation.
View the web page at http://www.armadale-wa.net/politics/HumanRights.html .

3. We need for the state constitution to be put to the people, for ratification, and the state constitution changed, so that the state constitution can only be changed by a referendum of the voters of the state.

4. We need for the state constitution to include a permanent fund and a citizens dividend, to deal with all of the revenue paid to the state in taxes for resources obtained by mining and gas and oil extraction, with the implementation being the same as for the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend.
View the web page at http://www.armadale-wa.net/politics/CitizensDividend.html

5. We need for the financial benefits provided to the members of the state parliament, to be indexed to the median income for all residents of the state, who are of at least the minimum legal employable age in the state, with the ordinary members of the state parliament (the "backbenchers") to be paid no more than the median income for all residents of the state who are of at least the minimum legal employable age in the state, and, for this to be set in the state constitution, to be able to be changed, only by a referendum of the eligible voters of the state.

6. We need for all members of the state parliament, to be selected only by election by the eligible voters of each electorate, with the voters having the power to remove any member of the parliament by a recall petition being signed by no less than ten per cent of the eligible voters in the applicable electorate, with this to be incorporated in the state constitution.

7.We need for the state parliament to provide interest free, no deposit finance for householders to install and replace domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems with batteries, with the loans being repayable over up to five years, for a system without battery storage, and, repayable over up to ten years, for a system with battery storage, with generating capacity up to the maximum allowed by state legislation, and, the storage capacity of up to 30kWh.

7a. And we need for the Western Australian state parliament to allow in this state, export limited inverters for domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems, as are allowed in other states and territories of Australia, as these protect the electricity grid, while allowing more usable clean energy to be used.

8. We need for road safety to be taken seriously by the state parliament, with mandatory roadworthiness testing of all registered forms of road transport, required to be performed every six months, and with serious traffic offences such as reckless driving, causing injury by culpable driving, and, causing death by culpable driving, to be made into criminal offences, of reckless endangerment, unlawful injury, manslaughter, and, murder, as applicable, with cancellation - not suspension, of drivers licences, for each of these offences, with the offending drivers being required to prove that they are safe to drive, before starting again with a learners permit, then a probationary licence, before a full licence, before being allowed to again drive a vehicle on the roads or otherwise drive any motorised vehicle for employment.

9. We need for the Tree(s) Act to be changed, so that the owner of , or, person responsible for, any tree, is made both criminally and financially responsible for any financial loss, injury, or damage that is caused by the tree, with no exemptions for any local government, or state government, members or employees, and, no exemption for any business. And, the unlawful clearing of trees from any land that is not existing residential land, should result in forfeiture of rights to ownership and/or use of the land, in addition to criminal penalties.

10. We need for every person, whether the person be a local government employee or otherwise, to be held criminally responsible for any cruelty administered to animals, by the person, and for mandatory imprisonment for unlawful deaths caused to animals, by the person.

11. We need for any owner of an animal, to be held criminally responsible for any death or injury caused to another human, and, for death or injury caused to another animal, as if the person directly killed or injured the animal of person that is the victim of such act, with mandatory prison terms applicable as required.

12. We need for the corruption that is "spent convictions", to be eliminated - a person has either committed an offence, or, has not, and, if a person is guilty of an offence, the public record and sentence applied, should reflect this.

13. We need for judges and magistrates to be held liable, including criminally liable, for their determinations, where their determinations result in culpable harm.

14. We need public servants and business employees and members of state and local government legislatures, to be held personally responsible for their decisions, including financially and criminally liable, where their decisions are culpable and cause harm.

15. We need for retail trading hours to be deregulated, either that, initially, all retail trading businesses be allowed to operate 24 hours each day of the year, or, that, initially, all retail businesses be allowed to operate from 0600 to 2400, on each and every day of the year, to be reviewed after a period of between five and ten years, with the prospect of allowing 24 hour trading on each and every day of the year, or, any published trading hours within those hours, as chosen by the retail trader, with no pressure from any commercial landlord, for retail trade tenants to trade for hours more than the retail trader willingly chooses to trade. Retail trading hours in Western Australia, have, for too long, been controlled by bribery and corruption, involving bribes paid by foreign interests, to members of the state parliament, to cause harm to the people, businesses, and, economy, of Western Australia.
View http://www.armadale-wa.net/politics/BriberyAndCorruption.html

And, to quote Eric Ripper, from page 8 of the document at
http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Hansard\hansard.nsf/0/b1f8825a8be58971c8257570000f8184/$FILE/A37 S1 20080410 p2237b-2249a.pdf

"We want to give our businesses the right to make a choice about when they open. We do not want to favour one group of businesses or one business structure over another. We certainly do not want to force our customers—for market share consideration—to shop at stores that they would rather not shop at."


"I believe people should be free to choose where they want to shop and when they want to shop."

16. Any workplace injury or death, involving culpability, should be treated as a criminal offence, resulting in prosecution, conviction, and penalties, as applicable, as would apply otherwise for unlawful injury and death.

17.We need for the state constitution to provide for Citizen Initiated Referenda, whereby a petition signed by at least 10% of the eligible voters of the state, calling for a Citizen Initiated Referendum to put a Bill to be enacted into law, to a referendum of the people, wiould cause such a Bill to be put to a referendum of the eligible voters of the state, and, if such a Bill is passed by such a referendum, then it shall become law.

18. We need for the malicious forced redirection of road traffic along Armadale Road to the Kwinana Freeway, which, for some sinister reason of the state government, in contempt of, and, without consultation with, the people of Armadale, prohibited us access to goods and services along and from Beeliar Drive, to be undone, and, access to Beeliar Drive, restored, to overturn our having been prohibited access to goods and services that we were previously able to access along and from Beeliar Drive.

If a candidate in the election, and, the political party for which the candidate stands, promise to implement all of the above, if gaining control in the state parliament, I will vote for that candidate, above all other candidates.

I can be contacted by email by clicking on my name at the end of this sentence - Bret .

This web page is authorised and printed by Bret Busby, 2 Pelham Street Armadale.

(Whilst the web page may be printed by someone else, I am advised that the wording in the above sentence, is required by the legislation governing an election.)

This web page was last updated on 11 January, 2021