Armadale-WA web site – Terrorist Dogs Attacks And Terrorism In Armadale

This web page relates to Terrorist Dogs Attacks And Terrorism In Armadale, Western Australia.

23 Mornington Street, Armadale

In the period of 0400 to 0440, on Saturday 02 January, 2021, the household at 23 Mornington Street in Armadale, Western Australia, unleashed a pack of attack dogs to attack a neighbour, in a home invasion. Luckily, the neighbour was able to fend off the dogs, without injury, but may not be so lucky, next time, with bloodshed likely to occur in the future.

Apparently, the household frequently sends the pack of attack dogs out, unrestrained, on the streets at night, to attack people and other animals.

The household at 23 Mornington Street has also been involved in acts of sadistic brutality, against local cats outside the property.

The household is clearly a local terrorist household.

And, during the night of 24 August 2023 to 25 August 2023, the terrorists used their pack of savage dogs to attack any neighbours who would be out in our own yards, and, to kill cats, and, the terrorists succeeeded in taking a cat from a neighbour's yard, and brutally killing it with their savage dogs, with the terrorism of the neighbourhood, being actively supported by the Armadale city council members, and the staff of the Armadale city council, and, by the state police, openly supporting terrorism in Western Australia, especially, in Armadale, where the local member and minister responsible for encouraging terrorism in Armadale, Tony Buti, also, supports and encourages terrorism in Armadale.

We need the city council members and Tony Buti, replaced, with people who will represent the interests of the people of Armadale, rather these people who are instituting a war against the people of Armadale. So, vote against the sitting city council members of the Armadale city council, and, any candidates that they support, in the city council elections, and, vote against Tony Buti, and his criminal associates, that form the WA state government, in the Western Australia state election.

After all, Tony Buti, the Western Australian state minister responsibl;e for making Armadale increasingly a dangerous slum, has made quite clear that packs of savage dogs, hunting as packs, attacking people, and brutally killing cats, in their own yards, because we foolishly believed that we would be safe in our own yards, is a source of pride for him and his accomplices, as the savage dogs hunting and attacking residents, and, killing, in Armadale, in our own yards, is in keeping with the objectives of Tony Buti and his state government, and, they have been working with the Armadale city council, to achieve this.

And, we need the terrorist household at 23 Mornington Street, Armadale, removed from the state, to protect the public.

Mornington Street, Armadale, is a dangerous place, due to the household at 23 Mornington Street and the actions of the city council, and Tony Buti, in actively encoruraging terrorism in the area.

Update 2024-10-30

The terrorists at 23 Mornington Street have reactivated their pack of killer dogs, with the dogs running free on Mornington Street between 1730 and 1830.

It is unfortunate that the members of the Armadale City Council are wilfully inciting armed conflict and terrorism in Armadale, encouraging the use of dangerous dogs to attack residents, supported by the local mafioso, Tony Buti.

This web page was last updated on 30 October, 2024.