The full text of the Letter to the Editor of the Comment News, sent on 29 June 2006, is below.
So, ... "The time has come," the council said, "To up the rates again. We charge them more, we give them less, They vote us back again." "A dog attack, someone's in danger? After hours - there's no ranger. We'll pass it on next week; If you're dead, we'll call the old beak." "Rubbish being dumped on council land? Please, tell me where. Oh, that's in the Swamp Ward - that's okay out there." "Parks not maintained in the ward named Swamp? Why should we let that disturb our romp?" "We make Armadale a less pleasant and more unsafe place to shop, so, what makes you think we're going to stop?" "We cut the parking - you can't defeat us; maybe we're planning to instal meters." "We treat like trash, the suburbs out there. Why not? They don't really care." "We cut the services - soon there'll be none. We're rolling in money - we've never had such fun." "We get awards for maximising greenhouse gases - the people that decide, must be real asses." "Come live in Armadale - don't be a stranger. And, while people live here, we'll increase the danger." “These have been our policies, for quite a few years. And, why not? Show me someone who really cares.” “We're not accountable - don't make a fuss. There are suckers out there - they voted for us." "Of course the funny thing is that, no matter what we do, you'll always vote us back in again, regardless, won't you?" "
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