Letter To The Editors of the Armadale Examiner on 29 June 2010 and Comment News on 13 July 2010

The full text of the Letter to the Editors, is below.


With the previous minister responsible for the bodgy roads, jumping ship and abandoning WA and the state parliament and the state party, to try for a more cushy nest in Canberra, as done by other previous members of the same state party, instead of trying to start to represent the state electorate, for a change, I wonder whether the current state government will do anything about the roads intersection at Rowley and Nicholson Roads in Oakford, the intersection apparently designed to try to kill drivers and wreck motor vehicles.

And, as Armadale appears to be not represented in the state parliament, maybe the federal member for this electorate, can take it up with the state parliament.
